Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tasty Tuesday-Dates!

I always associated dates as an old people food (not sure why!) However, they're a super yummy snack (and a super good appetizer when wrapped in bacon...well, because bacon!!!) My hubby, Dustin, eats them like candy because they're so sweet! I personally like them chopped up in a salad.

And would you look at that....they're a heart healthy snack!

Here are just a few health benefits of dates:
• lower your blood pressure
• promotes weight loss
• helps aid in digestion
• reduces your risk of heart disease!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spice up your life!

Let's talk spices!  These little bottles of goodness can really add another element to your everyday foods to make them more interesting and less boring to eat!  For example, I love to sprinkle cumin on broccoli and roast at 425 degrees for 15 minutes--so yummy! 

Here's the top 3 spices I can't live without:
Cumin, Italian Seasoning & Chili Powder (and salt & pepper too, of course!)